Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

We bought a beautiful antique farm house in Kittery Maine. A bit unconventional as we found this house made a connection with the young couple and they agreed to sell it to us! We did not have a real estate broker and we wanted to give as much flexibility on closing as possible. Karrie at Maritime Mortgage made it happen! She was responsive, professional and knows her stuff! 

Terrie Enis

Kittery , ME

Karrie was absolutely fabulous in helping us get financed into our new home. As first time home buyers, we couldn't have had a better and smoother experience. We couldn't have done it with out her. Thank you Karrie!

Eli and Inkyung

Portsmouth, NH

Thank you to Karrie at Maritime Mortgage for making our refinance so easy and fast! If we had known it would be so painless, we wouldn't have procrastinated so long to apply!

Doug and Vicky

Portsmouth, NH

Karrie pulled off a miracle! We were selling our house to purchase a new home, when the financing fell through on the new home purchase with another lender - leaving us homeless! We were in a major bind. Maritime Mortgage approved our loan in two days, and we were able to close on our new home by the purchase and sales contract date. We are very grateful :)

Aaron B

Rye, NH


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